Stop by the Fairmont Hotel

Stop by the Fairmont Hotel at 200 N. Columbus Drive and drop off a letter for the IOC Evaluation Committee and its chairwoman, Nawal El Moutawakel. You can also fax the delegation at 312-856-1032.
Let them know in your own words why you don’t want the 2016 Olympics to come to Chicago. Ask that they meet with a delegation from No Games Chicago.
Scan a copy of your letter and email it to us at and we’ll post it to our site.
About Ms. El Moutawakel – Olympic champion in the 400m hurdles at the 1984 Games in Los Angeles, Nawal El Moutawakel was the first Moroccan athlete to win a gold medal. Her outstanding sporting career and her dedication to sport led her to become a member of the IAAF Council in 1995; Secretary of State, responsible for Youth and Sport, to the Minister of Social Affairs in Morocco in 1997 and Minister of Sports in 2007. She has been an IOC member since 1998 and was elected member of the IOC Executive Board this summer in Beijing.
Hey: Joravsky’s latest in the Reader points out that Colorado voters killed the Olympics there by passing a referendum forbidding the use of any public funds for the Olympics.
Why don’t we do the same here?
Even tho Illinois does not have binding referendum, a well organized referendum would be a good work-around the fact that no one here has the stones to oppose Daley.
And if the referendum gets enough public support, it might give the IOC pause and move on to another city that actually enjoys public support. It also highlights the lie that the mayor is currently using: that tax funds won’t be used.
Polls show people favor the Olympics but oppose using taxes to pay for it. So we do a referendum that asks, basically:
Should any public, tax or TIF-district money be used to pay for the 2016 Olympics in Chicago?
I propose that a lottery game to win Olympic tickets be established.It would make it possible for the average person to actually attend the Olympics.It would make it more likely that the Olympics were profitable.And anti Olympic citizens wouldn’t have their tax money used for something they were opposed to.