- from the blog post - Tom & Martin put those books on the plaza in front of the IOC Museum!
Now that the city is just a few months away from finding out if it will be awarded the 2016 Olympics, an actual real debate has erupt among taxpayers about whether they actually, really want it. Isn’t this backwards?Yes, but if City Hall and local Olympic officials had their way, they would have made it all the way to October without having to include taxpayers who will foot the bill in their plans…
So the mayor’s bid-masters have set out in a series of meetings across the city to change what taxpayers are hearing – these are not meetings being held for the benefit of residents who want to question aspects of the bid or venture their opinion. These meetings are intended to communicate in one direction only.
“These are not hearings,” Chicago 2016 operations director Doug Arnot said on Chicago Tonight, “they are public forums where the public has the opportunity to get information.”
Oh thank you for the opportunity! Now shut up and listen!…
The problem Olympic organizers face now is folks leaving these meetings laughing.
We urge all Chicagoans who want the facts about the Olympic scheme to go to as many of the 2016 community meetings as they can. Load up your cars and trucks and take the kids. Go with signs that say “No blank checks!” and “Fix the trains” and “Hire more teachers!” or what ever you think the city needs BEFORE it spends $5 billion on a two-week party seven years from now.