Chicago 2016 IOC Evaluation Report released 9-1-09.
2016 Stewardship Report released – they’ve raised and spent a ton!
Mayor Daley’s comments as he departs for Copenhagen
Northwest Indiana Times – “Olympics more about dollars than sense” – “I hope Chicago doesn’t get the 2016 Olympics because they’re too expensive, too political, too greedy, too ruthless and the world will still hate us, win, lose or draw”
Huffington Post – “Olympic guarantee you can count on” (Displacement, gentrification, greed)
Chicago Tribune – “Sorting out bid’s true cost”
Chicago Tribune – “Member of Chicago’s bid team has deal to develop land” near Olympic venue site
ABC News covers the 2016 community forums where skeptics pepper the bid leaders with tough questions.
Chicago Tribune business reporter, “At Olympics forums, truth is a high hurdle”
AP – Chicago Inspector General calls for more transparency in bid – Chicago plagued with corruption
NBC News Chicago – Tennis venue in Lincoln Park despite objections
Crain’s Chicago Business – “Park District releases new Olympic details” – If you believe ANYTHING Tim Mitchell says, then we’ve got a bridge to sell you…
Chicago Tribune – “Chicago school board president urges schools to push Olympic bid”
The Olympic Evaluation Committee visited Chicago from April 2 to April 8. No Games Chicago requested and got a meeting with this group! Read our letter = letter_to_ioc (pdf file)
New York Times – “Chicago 2016 offers a compact games plan”
Crain’s Chicago Business – “Chicago’s Olympic dreams live, but woes await”
Tribune – “IOC Commission tours potential sites”
Tribune – “2016 Olympics would restrict lakefront” – Folks, it’s a giant land grab…
Sun-Times – Daley’s biggest game – All or nothing”
Chicago Reader – Letter to the IOC: Why You Don’t Want to Give the Olympics to Chicago”
Sun-Times – “Cost of 2016 Olympics would be $4.8 billion” — waaaay under-estimated!
Crain’s Chicago Business researched the question, “What would the Olympics bring to Chicago” is this 2006 article.
CBS News Chicago – “Chicago Olympic bid slips to last place”
Medill News Service – “Olympics 2016: Cementing Chicago’s future, or steamrollering its history?”
Crain’s Chicago Business – “Costs of staging Olympics rise while potential benefits to city decline” (Word file)

Tribune poll: Support for Chicago Olympics tempered by opposition to using taxes for Games – Over 100 comments!
Chicago 2016 expects greater scrutiny of Olympic Village proposal
John Kass – Don’t look too closely at Daley’s Olympic plan – Over 120 comments!
Governor Quinn will do “whatever is necessary” to get the Olympics
Chicago 2009 budget already $50 million in the hole (and it’s only the beginning of February!)
London stadium costs soar $110 million pounds to new total of $547 million pounds
Olympic bid hidden from public view
Letter to editor – “Mr. President, Please preserve our lakefront”
Aldermen introduce Olympic benefits ordinance
The Olympic Hustle – http://www.inthesetimes.com/article/3230/the_olympic_hustle/
Chicago, Say No to the Olympics! – http://gapersblock.com/airbags/archives/chicago_say_no_to_the_olympics/
Chicago and the Olympics: Pushing the Poor Out of House and Home – http://www.counterpunch.org/quellos07182007.html
Will the Games Displace Their Games? – http://www.chicagoreader.com/features/stories/theworks/070511/
Chicago 2016: Who Owns the Conversation? – http://www.chicagoreader.com/features/stories/chicago2016site/
Magic Beans – http://www.chicagoreader.com/features/stories/theworks/080724/
Guns, Graft and Greed: Picking Chicago’s Pockets with the Olympics – http://www.counterpunch.org/zirin04042007.html
Chicago’s 2016 Olympic Bid. The Hype and the Nitty Gritty –http://www.gamesmonitor.org.uk/node/579
Chicago’s Olympic Bid Stokes Gentrification Fears –http://news.newamericamedia.org/news/view_article.html?article_id=080e2f58f378083d7645a6025d6e3db1
Long-Term Value of 2016 Olympics for Chicago Questioned by DePaul University Researchers –http://newsroom.depaul.edu/NewsReleases/showNews.aspx?NID=1953
More Olympic Games -Barak Obama supports Mayor Daley’s 2016 bid at his own risk –http://www.chicagoreader.com/features/stories/theworks/081204/
Civil rights violations ahead –http://socialistworker.org/2008/10/24/civil-rights-violations-ahead