

Here are important documents relating to the work of No Games Chicago.


Here is the 160-page “Book of Evidence” we took to Switzerland.  (pdf file, 12 MB)


Our position on the Olympics

– “Cost Overruns1 page pdfThe games will bankrupt Chicago.

“Myths and Realities”– 1 page pdfThe games hurt the environment, cause displacement and DO NOT bring prosperity!

5 Big Lies. 1 Sad Truth” – 1 page pdf – We said it first – “They will play and we all will pay!”

Press Releases

– “No Games in Switzerland to Oppose the 2016 Olympic Bid” – June 16, 2009

– “No Games Chicago Holds Demonstration to ‘Shut Down the Olympic Bid’ During IOC Visit” – April 2, 2009

Rally flyer.


Flickr album from April 2 rally in Federal PlazaSlide show

Another Flickr album from April 2 –  Slide show


2 Commments

  1. Its great to get such an impartial and objective news report from NBC about Chicago’s chances of landing 2016 Olympics.

    To quote from Chris Shaw’s excellent book ‘Five Ring Circus’; “Television rights are now the big money earner for both IOC and the local organising committees. Indeed it is difficult to see how the organising committees would come anywhere near breaking even on operating costs without them.
    …one of the networks, NBC which has held US television rights since 2006 and will keep these through 2012, is paying: 2006 Torino, $614 million: ; 2008 Beijing, $894 million; 2010 Vancouver, $820; million; 2012 London $1,81 billion.
    …NBC is a subsidiary of General Electric (GE), interestingly one of the major sponsors in the IOC’s ‘The Olympic Partner program.”

    NBC stands to make hundreds of millions in profits from selling advertising via a wide range of old and new media for each Olympics. So obviously one yearns for their brand of hands-off objective news journalism about which city is going to offer them the most lucrative market from which to present the next Games Games.

    NBC = Networking Buys Consent

  2. I’m not going to shut up about how No Games Chicago is a big ass hellhole! Tom Tresser should be shown the truth about Chicago 2016. He is on my revenge list. Anyone else who believes that Chicago shouldn’t get the Olympics in 2016 is out of their mind and think twice about their own judgement and opinion.

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