About the Olympics


Here are links and documents about the Olympics and their impact on host cities.


Here is are the biographies of the members of the IOC from 2009.

Here is the infamous Host City Contract that ALL four finalist cities MUST sign prior to October 2, 2009. This is the
one that all four 2012 finalists had to sign in Singapore in 2005, just before that decision was announced.

Click here to download the actual Vancouver 2010 Host City Agreement.

Oh, and to all the Aldermen, news organizations, civic groups and Olympic boosters who claimed NOT to know about the mandate to sign the Host City Contract, why don’t you download the Olympic Charter and look at pages 74 and 76. Paragraphs 34.3.3 and 37.1 – pretty plain language. We intrepret the clauses as “Put up or shut up. We play and your citizens pay. Signed, the IOC.”

Research Centers

Olympic Studies International Directory
Centre for Olympic Studies & Research, Loughborough University
International Centre for Olympic Studies, University of Western Ontario
Australian Centre for Olympic Studies, Sydney Technology University
Olympic Studies Center, University of Barcelona
Centre on Housing Rights and Evictions, Geneva, Siwtzerland

Organizing against the Olympics

In Vacouver – Hosting the 2010 Winter Games

In London – Hosting the 2012 Summer Games

Anti-Olympic Alliance, Canada


There are hundreds of academic reports, books, newpaper and magazine accounts of the impact of the games on host cities. Here are a few we have found particularly relevant.  See this page for links to articles from the press of other host cities.

Perhaps the most influential study on the cost of the Olympics is this 2016 report from Oxford University’s Aid Business School:

Mega-Events: The effect of the world’s biggest sporting events on local, regional, and national economies
The Olympic Effect – Andrew Rose
Fair Play for Housing Rights – Megaega -Events , Olympic Games and Housing Rights (large file) – Centre on Housing Rights & Evictions
CHICAGO AND THE 2016 OLYMPICS: Why Host the Games? How Should We Host the Games? What Should We Accomplish by Hosting the Games? – DePau; Egan Center

2 Commments

  1. You guys are dumbasses when it comes to the Olympics. You make up stupid reasons for not having the 2016 Olympics in Chicago. To close my response, DAMN YOU TOM TRESSER AND DAMN YOU FRANCESCA RODRIGUEZ AND ANY OTHER MEMBER OF NO GAMES CHICAGO! Damn you indeed.

  2. I saw just saw this comment from Anthony – 5 years after he made it. Well, all I can say is “Who’s the dumbass now?” The Vancouver games left the taxpayers with $1.5 billion in debt. The London games were $14 BILLION over budget. The Sochi games cost $51 billion. The Olympics were and remain a gigantic rip off for the people who have to put up with the party and pay for it..

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